GM !

My name is Thomas,


About Me


Working as a fullstack engineer since 2020, I gained a strong affection for projects with high impact as well as expertly built technical solutions. With this in mind, the exciting web3 ecosystem have been my main playground ever since.
I'm now focusing on building DeFi applications and privacy-empowering solutions.

I also had the opportunity to lead projects and teams while actively participating in the development as well. During these years, I gained and reinforced technical skills on the whole application stack and on deployment and security best practices, always with a special care for the business side of things.

When I'm not coding, you can find me exploring the latest developments in the crypto space, playing some piano or reading books.
I'm a quite nosy person, I love to learn new stuff and get to the bottom of it.

My Projects

Zero Knowledge Solvency

Zero Knowledge Solvency

A ZK app allowing users to prove their balances without revealing their account addresses.

Link to app [coming soon]

Told Ya

Told Ya

A social platform allowing users to create events and bet on their outcomes.

Link to app [coming soon]

Fuel PVP

Fuel PVP

[COMING SOON] An onchain fighting game with interactive community mechanisms.

Link to app [coming soon]

Public Contributions & Hackathons

[HACKATHON] Stark'Hack

[HACKATHON] Stark'Hack

June 2024

Developed the Told Ya application in a team. Used Cairo 2 and NextJS to create the prediction and event features of the platform.

[HACKATHON] Circuit Breaker

[HACKATHON] Circuit Breaker

February 2024

Discovered the Noir Language and developed the ZK circuit for the Zero Knowledge Solvency app.

[HACKATHON] Eth Global 2023

[HACKATHON] Eth Global 2023

October 2023

Research and PoC on new wallet authentication systems, started the "Your Friendly EVM Spiderwallet" (YFES) project.

Get in Touch

Feel free to reach out for collaborations or just a friendly chat!